Create Security Group
Create Security Group
This step will detail how to create My VPC SG using CloudFormation Template. You can repeat this step to create more HG VPC SG.
To determine which Inbound rules are required, list the requirements as follows:
You can connect SSH to your EC2 instance with the source as your IP.
- Two EC2 instances in two VPCs can be pinged via the ICMP - IPv4 protocol with the source being Anywhere.
- Two EC2 instances in two VPCs can ping each other using the ICMP - IPv4 protocol with the source being the CIDR of the other VPC.
- Access the AWS Management Console. Select Services in the navigation bar and search for VPC service.
In the VPC interface
- In the left navigation bar, select Security Groups.
- On the Security Groups page, select Create Security Group.
- On the Create security group page, set the following parameters:
- Section Basic details:
- Security group name: Enter the security group name (eg: MY VPC SG)
- Description: Enter the description of the security group.
- VPC: Select My VPC
- Inbound rules section: Add Inbound rules as mentioned above. Select Add rule to add a rule.
- Type: SSH | Source: My IP
- Type: All ICMP - IPv4 | Source: Anywhere
- Type: All ICMP - IPv4 | Source: Custom (HG VPC’s CIDR)
- Select Create security group.
- Create Security Group successfully.
Repeat the steps to create HG VPC SG as follows:
- Section Basic details:
- Security group name: Enter the security group name (eg HG VPC SG)
- Description: Enter the description of the security group.
- VPC: Select HG VPC
- Section Inbound rules: Add Inbound rules as mentioned above. Select Add rule to add a rule.
- Type: SSH | Source: My IP
- Type: All ICMP - IPv4 | Source: Anywhere
- Type: All ICMP - IPv4 | Source: Custom (My VPC’s CIDR)
- Select Create security group.
- Create Security group successfully.