Create Peering Connection

Create a peering connection

In the bounce, you will create a VPC Peering (VPC Peering Connection) connection between My VPC and HG VPC.

  1. Login to AWS Management Console

    • Find VPC
    • Select VPC

Create VPC Peering

  1. In VPC Management Console*, navigate to Peering Connections. Then, click Create Peering Connection.

Create VPC Peering

  1. On the Create Peering Connection page, enter the following parameters and then select Create Peering Connection:
    • Peering connection name tag: lab-vpc-peer
    • VPC (Requester): select My VPC

Create VPC Peering

  1. For Select another VPC to peer with

    • Account: choose My account because the 2 VPCs in peering connection are in the same account
    • Region: choose This region (ap-southeast-1) because the 2 VPCs in the peering connection are in the same region.
    • VPC (Accepter): HG VPC

Create VPC Peering

  1. Complete Create Peering Connection

Create VPC Peering

  1. On the information page of Peering Connections, tick VPC Peering just created then click Actions and Accept Request.

Create VPC Peering Create VPC Peering

  1. Select Accept request

Create VPC Peering

  1. Setup was successful.

Create VPC Peering

  1. From EC2 - My VPC, try pinging private IP of EC2 - HG VPC. Ping still fails because we haven’t configured the VPC router to route traffic between the 2 VPCs.

Create VPC Peering